geboren in Ieper op 30/07/1979
rizivnummer: 5-32863-55-522 (gedeconventionneerd)
ondernemingsnummer: 0815.780.589
Blandenstraat 240, 3053 Haasrode
016 40 14 22
adres maatschappelijke zetel: Blandenstraat 240, 3053 Haasrode
rechtsvorm: BV
beroepsverzekering: Ethias, Prins Bisschopssingel 73, 3500 Hasselt
lid van Axxon, beroepsvereniging der kinesitherapeuten
bevoegde toezichthoudende autoriteit: Provinciale Geneeskundige Commissie, Phillipssite 3B, 3001 Heverlee
Diploma's en getuigschriften
Licentiaat in de Motorische Revalidatie en Kinesitherapie (summa cum laude)
G.G.S. Motorische Revalidatie en Kinesitherapie – Manuele Therapie (summa cum laude)
Visum diploma Kinesitherapie (2008/80243)
Erkenning Bijzondere Beroepsbekwaamheid Manuele Therapie
Neurofysiologie (Bos) (KULeuven)
Treatment of the problem shoulder (McConnell)
Kinetic Control: concept course (Mottram)
Kinetic Control: lumbar spine & trunk (Mottram)
Mulligan Concept (Claassen)
Kinetic Control: cervical spine & shoulder girdle (Comerford)
Movement Impairment Syndromes (Sahrmann)
Graded exposure (Vlaeyen) (RUGent)
Kinetic Control: sacro-iliac joint & pelvis (Mottram)
Manipulaties van de extremiteiten (KULeuven, lesgevers SOMT)
Manipulaties van de wervelkolom (KUleuven, lesgevers SOMT)
Kinetic Control: hip and lower Limb (Mottram)
Een biopsychosociale benaderingswijze van aspecifieke pijnklachten (Bos) (KULeuven)
Performance Stability: the performance matrix (Comerford)
Lower power manipulations (Hartman)
Performance Stability: low threshold core stability
Kinetic Control: Myofascial trigger points (Comerford)
Explain pain, the virtual body and the neuromatrix approach to persistent pain 2007 (Moseley)
Muscle energy techniques: pelvis and lumbar spine (Hungerford)
Advanced course in manual handling and manipulation (Hartman)
Clinical neurodynamics: upper quadrant (Shacklock)
Easy taping basic course
Easy taping advanced course
Oefentherapie bij pees- en ligamentletsels (Langberg)
Classificatie en behandeling van patiënten met chronische lage rugpijn (Dankaerts)
Explain pain 2009 (Moseley)
New insights for musculoskeletal PT on the basis of pain mechanism-related evidence (Zusman)
Muscle energy techniques: cervical and thoracic spine (Hungerford)
Clinical neurodynamics Lower Quadrant (Shacklock)
Tendon injuries (Cook)
Problem solving around the shoulder: rotator cuff disease and complex shoulder instability (Jaggi)
Movement system impairments of the hip joint (Sahrmann)
Changing the brain for movement, pain and function: proprioceptive sensory motor training and primitive reflex inhibition (Gibbons)
Myofascial triggerpoint therapy (Weissman)
Lumbopelvic motor control (Hodges)
MovNat 2 day workshop Brussels
MovNat level 1 Certification
Advanced neurodynamics: cervicobrachialgia and headache (Shacklock)
Muscles and meridians (Beach)
Changing pain and movement behaviour within a BPS classification system (O’Sullivan)
Craniocervical and craniomandibular dysfunctions (Rocabado)
Movement X (Portal)
Fighting Monkey: building earthquake architecture (Frucek)
Masterclass shoulder: scapula under the spotlight (Mottram)
Functional range conditioning (Spina)
MovNat level 2 Certification
Evolve Move Play: movement experience (Kelley)
Functional therapeutic movement (Cormack)
Strength training and coordination (Bosch)
Myofascial techniques in physical therapy (Calcius)
Motion workshop (Portal)
Functional range release (Spina)
Evolutionaire gezondheidsleer (Natura Foundation)
Fighting Monkey: anatomy of injury – under pressure (Frucek)
Integrated manual therapy for the lumbar spine (Hall)
Practical course - strength training and coordination (Bosch)
The shoulder: complex doesn't have to be complicated (Meakins)
Ancestral movement two day workshop (Thakur)
Masterclass pre-treatment clinical reasoning and examination of the cervical spine (Hutting)
Dynamic neuromuscular stabilization according to Kolar - exercise course part I (Alsemgeest)
Wim Hof method - fundamentals workshop (Janssen)
Rewire your running (Dicharry)
Krachttraining voor hardlopers (Van Hooren)
Krachttraining voor bovenhandse sporters (Thomassen)
Advanced rehabilitation strategies for lower limb injuries in sport (King)
Reconciling biomechanics with pain science (Lehman)
Fighting Monkey 2023 workshop Brussels (Frucek - Kapetanea)
Evolve Move Play 2023 weekend workshop Copenhagen, Denmark (Rafe Kelley)
KnowPain - a practical guide to empower patients (Mike Stewart)
Pees- en bottraining en revalidatie (Van Hooren)
Maladaptieve beweegproblemen in de schouder (Heijenk - Maenhout)
Fighting Monkey 2025 workshop Bratislava (Frucek)
meerdere voordrachten, symposia en congressen